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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

unemployed people

Some people who are unemployed are legitimately trying to find work, they put all their energy into this endeavor. I wish them well and I have no problem if people like this get help from our government. Their perseverance will pay off and they will ultimately find something.
I also know that these people will ultimately settle for something making a bit less and re-channel their dreams (even temporarily) to deal with the times. They have true American spirit and are admirable folks going through a bit of a hard patch.
What angers me is the type that won't "settle". I saw a person interviewed on TV a few days ago who moved in with their parents and said that they have "given up" and won't settle on something that will diminish their superior education. The have moved out of an apartment and kept their car, mooched off mom and dad (who probably are near retirement and need to save) and have "given up their search" until times are better.
Well, that is well and good, but let's face it, there are people with a PhD in this economy working at gas stations and convenience stores to put food on the table. They moonlight driving school buses, they clean houses, they babysit, they do anything they can do to get by, even selling valuable possessions, homes, etc. This kind of superiority does not earn points with employers who like to see someone "hit the ground running" and be resourceful. It is perfectly acceptable to try something new and different during these times. Work at McDonalds, clean toilets, be proud to do an honest day's work for your pay. Seek opportunity where ever you are, if you are shelling out fries at McDonalds, good workers do get promoted to shift supervisors and then managers. At least TRY.
I know another person who infuriates me. She was let go from her employer for performance issues. She wasn't doing what they needed her to accomplish. She is a marketing professional and she should be using that education to market herself. What is she doing? For near two years, she's been collecting unemployment and what she is doing with her time is "enjoying long walks with the dog", shopping for antiques, travelling (via airplanes that I can't afford to go on) to visit friends across the country in NC from CA and having quilting retreats. I see remarks like "life is good". Well, we are paying her way so her life is very good, indeed.
Her divorce is pending and she will get a settlement from this, she will buy a house and she is leaning on the soon to be X for support on top of her unemployment. So, this man is going to be saddled with her support when she is perfectly cable of finding something, anything, to keep off the unemployment roster.
Does this sound like people we should be supporting with our tax dollars?
I beg to differ.
I think I should go find a job and get myself fired or laid off and then collect unemployment so I can fly on airplanes and visit long-distance friends and go on quilting retreats at expensive places while everyone else picks up the tab. Yup, sounds good to me.
Let's all sit back and not take the initiative to strive to be better, self supporting.
I get angry as I see that near 40% of the money my husband works so very hard for and sacrifices so much of his life for is taken in taxes and people like those, above, and worse sit back and feel justified.
Where is the justice?
Again, I do not begrudge a single soul who is legitimately looking for a job, hurting, elderly, incapacitated, but I am just pissed. Pissed is the only word I can think of.

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