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Thursday, August 17, 2017

Why can't people simply calm down and move on after incidents happen in our world? Why must everyone take it further than it could ever be. Something bad happens in our world and that is bad enough. Do we have to add to it all with more horrific stuff? Calling our president a racist and calling all people in his party a racist is truly bothering me. I live my life treating people the same. I voted for him and I think he is doing a very good job and I hate that these people associate him with these haters. I think it is wrong and their hate for him just never stops. It has taken on an entirely different level this week that feel like bullets going through my soul. I hate the haters. I can't be like them. Am I being like them right now? I don't think so. People get what they give to me, I give all people the same exact chance to have a little fun, make a conversation, spend a moment in time, even at the check out line in a grocery store where we are strangers to each other. I'll smile right back at you. I'm not surprised if you are a rocket scientist if you are of a certain race, nor am I surprised if you are cleaning the rest room someplace if you are my race. I'm not finding this situation in our country to be intelligent right now. We are so busy hating each other and calling people all the nasty names one can think of instead of working towards peace. I'm not a Natzi and no one I know is one and I seriously doubt our politicians are people like that eather. But one hate group takes on a stance and suddenly people are aligned with it all and it is deeply hurtful to think about. It hurts me to see people calling each other names and when they start in like that, they are just as hateful at the other people have been in my opinion. This hate gets us nowhere at all. So, what is one to do on this very day to fix things? Lay low like a turtle with my head in my shell? Get out there and do stuff that is kind? I am certain that I cannot live under a rock and I cannot fix this world, but I could make one small step I guess. I am totally disgusted. The world is not a nice place at times. I think I need to focus on my own life, my own expectations and try hard to remove the stress the hate and the pain from myself. I have no idea where or what I ought to be doing. But, it sure is not healthy for me to be on Facebook seeing other people's profiles.

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