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Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Good morning it is 100% humidity today and going to be in the 80s. I'm heading off to My Brother's Keeper. The concern I have is if I shall tell them about the possible move. I think I owe it to them, but nothing is official yet. I have no clue. As for me, I'm feeling a wee bit better and hopeful that any Diverticulitis symptoms vanish. I'm tired, I'm sad, I would like to be living at Lake Winona and not here. I hope better times are coming. I have been packing and moving things gradually to the storage unit. Today may be broom closet or master bedroom closet day, we shall see. I'm having a cleaning lady come today and hope that the house looks great when she is done. I postponed the window cleaning people until after we have a signed purchase and sales agreement. It could take awhile. This weekend we are heading to RI and I would very much like to go up to the lake and see the loons. It is so hard for me to not see and photograph what is happening with them. I have decided to write a children's book and illustrate it and I'm thinking about how it would be make and what to do. I contacted a publisher of kid's books and I want to know more about how it works before I share the entire story with them. It's a happy ending. It's humanitarian and helping an endangered species It's sweet The photos to go with it are real and true story as well What's wrong with that? Nothing! Go for it and make it happen! Love, me

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